SPORTS Performance

Get More Speed, Strength, Agility and Confidence With Our Sports Performance Programs!

Fundamental (ages 7-11)

60-minutes of small-group training focused on running mechanics, sport skills like acceleration, change in direction, jumping and landing. Training the athlete to reduce injury risk and become the best athlete they can be. A fun environment for kids to socialize and work hard via competition and games.

Junior Varsity (ages 11-14) Speed & Strength... Learning to train...

Speed: 30-minutes of small group training focused on speed and agility. Curriculum-based program for athletes who want a focus on acceleration, deceleration, change in direction, quickness and max velocity.

Strength: 60-minutes of semi-private, small-group strength training. Each athlete has a custom program developed by professional coaching staff. The program is centered around their deficits and the requirements of their sport, with the athlete's interests in mind.

Varsity (ages 14-college) Speed & Strength... Training to compete...

Speed: 30-minutes of small group training focused on speed and agility. Curriculum-based program for athletes who want a focus on acceleration, deceleration, change in direction, quickness and max velocity.

Strength: 60-minutes of semi-private, small-group strength training. Each athlete has a custom program developed by professional coaching staff. The program is centered around their deficits and the requirements of their sport, with the athlete's interests in mind.

Team Training

Have a team looking to increase their collective speed, strength and power? No matter your team sport, our Sports Performance program will ensure that every athlete on your team develops all the right exercise habits to hit their goals and avoid injuries!

Start Your training Today!

With our committed, caring, and passionate team, you’ll receive the support and education you need to not only recover your mobility, but to walk out the door with a lifelong plan for staying healthy, strong, and fit.

© 2021 TTR Performance.
All rights reserved.


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